Parking with APAG
- View number of available parking spaces in real time
- Information on business hours, rates, availability and services of each car park
- Use the app to view and manage your APAG receipts.
Additional functions at a glance
- Number of available parking spaces in all APAG parking facilities in Aachen, Berlin, Datteln and Dülmen
- Trends in number of available parking spaces per car park
- Information on corresponding car park's equipment and services
- Information on rates for each car park
- Visual representation of car park availability
- Short link to navigation with map app

Requirements for iOS/Android app
Our app requires a data connection in order to synchronise and update parking information.
To see your own location on the map, you must turn on your device's location tracking and allow our app to use it.
Currently, this app is only available in German.
We look forward to hearing your suggestions, ideas and feedback for improving our app: